Despite living in a virtual age there are still many businesses out there resisting the urge to have a website.

Some of the common arguments about not buying into virtual real estate are:

  • It wouldn’t suit our customer base
  • We get enough customers without having an expensive website
  • I don’t understand all that computer stuff
  • It’s too expensive
  • I don’t want to sell online
  • I don’t have time for one of those

The problem is just about everyone else is online, especially your customers. So when they search for a supplier they’ll be choosing from your competitors – you won’t even be in the picture.

To convince you it may be worth taking the plunge, here are 4 reasons why you should consider a website for your business:

1. 24/7

Do you really want to have to be physically there for your customers all the time?

Achieving the ultimate work/life balance is tough but when you own your own company it can be impossible.

Unlike you, a website doesn’t need to eat, drink or sleep and is open for business 24/7. Your customers can browse it whenever the urge takes them. By giving them all the information  they need they can research at their leisure. Plus if you offer a comprehensive FAQ section, you’ve practically got your own online customer service team.

2. Credibility

People research before buying. Your website and its content will help instantly build rapport and credibility with perspective customers. Talk to them directly through your copy and they will be more inclined to do business with you as they will already feel as though they ‘know’ you.

If you don’t feel confident enough to create your own website copy, hire a professional copywriter to write it for you. That investment will ensure your website contains copy that is powerful, search engine friendly and will convince your customers to get in touch and buy.

3. Money

As I mentioned before, a website is open 24/7 so you’re not restricting your trading times. People can shop with you in the middle of the night if they really wanted to. With over half of all UK consumers now regularly shopping online (Forrester UK Online Retail and Travel Forecast 2008-2014), if you don’t have a website you’ll be turning your back on a vast untapped marketplace.

4. Widen the net

Your website will widen your marketplace. You won’t have to rely on local customers and word of mouth anymore. With a website you can reach national and international markets. This could lead to business growth, diversification…the opportunities are endless.

Budgets are tight for everyone at the moment so if you can’t quite run to a full blown website try some of the alternatives. I’m thinking of websites such as BT Tradespace and myProspot. Both of these offer the opportunity of utilising their powerful platforms and extensive social marketing tools to market your business.

So as you can see, there really are no barriers to getting a website.