What is the purpose behind your About Page?

Building trust.

When doing business in the online world, trust is a tough nut to crack. You don’t get to meet every customer. You can’t chat with them to find out what they need. They can’t reach you to gauge your trustworthiness. All they have to go on is your website.

The About Page is, and yet it’s the one that’s quickly cobbled together at the last minute.  Usually, it contains a bland statement about how long you’ve been in business, how you’re a professional outfit, full of integrity and experience. The problem is, all your competitors are saying the same thing, so there’s nothing to differentiate you from the mediocre crowd.

That’s why it’s essential your About Page satisfy these three criteria.

1. Personality

One of your main differentiating factors is you and your people. The clichéd ‘experienced team that puts your needs first’ isn’t going to cut it. 

This is your chance to show your customers who you are and what you stand for. To do that, how about getting your main players (directors, top managers, founders) to write a short paragraph about why they do what they do. It’s important this is in their own words (although can be copyedited if necessary) to show their understanding of the problem their product or service solves. 

I would avoid the other common mistake; listing your qualifications, so they read like a CV. No one cares about that, which is why I recommend following the ‘in your own words’ paragraph with three or four bullet points that highlight your main areas of experience and expertise.

Ditching the corporate speak and writing from the heart is a great way to show your customers your human side. This, in turn, starts to build that all-important trust. 

2. Don’t be shy

Many people shy away from adding a picture of themselves on their website. Why? You’ve got nothing to hide. Plus, if you’re telling potential customers about your passion for what you do and why you do it, a picture of you will add credibility.

There’s always a debate about whether you add a team photo, just headshots of the top brass, or headshots of everyone. The answer to that will depend on the size of your company. 

If you’re a boutique firm, shots of everyone are a great idea as it reinforces the team. 

For larger companies, how about using headshots of the principal directors and then a team photo?

Whatever you decide on, the main thing is to bring the human touch to the page. This shows you believe in what you do and aren’t afraid of people knowing who you are. 

3. Don’t hide away

Your About Page is essential. It may not directly sell your product or service, but it does sell your team.

Make sure it’s easy to find in your navigation. That means placing the link to it along the main menu bar rather than in small font in the footer of your website. 

People still like to know with whom they are doing business — making your About Page obvious will strengthen your case. Plus, by following the advice above, you will stand out from your competitors who opted for pages of rambling text that tells the reader absolutely nothing. 

All hail the About Page

Your About Page is important.

Make the most of it to show off your human side and start building a connection with your customers straight away. 

Have some fun with it. Break the rules and move away from the usual faceless corporate, impersonal, boring page.

Don’t forget; you can’t meet every customer, so you have to replicate that human interaction through your About Page.

Make the most of your About Page, in fact, your whole website, by calling Sally Ormond on +44(0) 1449 779605.

Briar CopywritingLtd is a freelance professional copywriting firm.