better conversion rate


How’s your website performing?

I’m not talking about its load time or looks, but how many of your visitors go on to become customers – i.e. your conversion rate.

There are a lot of websites out there that look pretty, have loads of content, even rank well, and yet they don’t convert visitors into sales. Even scarier is when people state:

Client: “My website’s working really well – I get about 500 unique visitors every day”

Copywriter: “Great, so what’s your conversion rate?”

Client: “My what?”

There is an easy way to boost your conversion rate.

How to make your website convert

First off I want to look at the behaviour of people searching the internet.

If they are looking for a particular product or service, they will enter their search term into Google and then open a new tab for each website that takes their fancy. The idea behind this is that they can compare what each company is offering. They’ll want to know what’s in it for them if they buy from your business.

That’s why you must identify your unique value proposition and shout it from the roof tops, so it’s the first thing your potential customer sees when they land on your website.

Your UVP is going to be the main benefit you offer. Something that is going to set you apart from your competitors,

It could be a free bonus item, price reduction, guarantee – something that is of real value to your reader.

That is the secret behind the biggest converting websites.

If you hide your UVP within your text, do you think the reader is going to take the time to read the entire content of your site to find it?

No, they won’t. The one thing people have very little of these days is time. So make their job easier by announcing your UVP immediately and clearly. And make sure it is on all your pages – after all, there is a chance they’ll land on a page other than your Home Page. A simple banner across the top of all your pages announcing your UVP will do the trick.

Make it big, make it bold, make it seen.

So, now you know what to do if you want to boost your conversion rate. Take a look at your website, identify your UVP and shout about it. Then watch what happens to your conversion rate.


Sally Ormond is a copywriter based in the UK. Through her business, Briar Copywriting Ltd, she works with a vast range of companies, from SMEs to blue chip companies around the world to create eye-catching, compelling copy, which converts their visitors into paying customers.

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