sanitary web copy
Hands up if you’ve “we’d” all over your website.

There are oodles of websites out there suffering from this very embarrassing condition, simply because it’s full of “we” and not enough “you”:

  • We’ve been in business 20 years
  • We won the Award for best customer service
  • We made awesome chairs

Who cares?

Certainly not your customers.

The only thing your customer wants to know is what will your product/service do for them?

You’ve got to make them see how much better their lives will be with your product, how much money they’ll save, how much more successful they’ll be…

But to make that happen you have to ditch the “we” in favour of “you”.

To make your website copy achieve this, it should be written in the second person so it addresses your reader directly – like this:

Make your marketing materials work harder and use a copywriter

Make your marketing work harder. A copywriter will help you drive more targeted traffic to your website, generate more leads from  your brochures to help you achieve your business goals…

Not a “we” in sight. The copy is addressing the reader directly and focusing on the benefits of the services I provide.

So when you’re next putting together some website copy:

  1. Forget about your company and write for your customer
  2. Write to them as though they were standing in front of you (conversationally)
  3. Don’t use “we”

By following these 3 tips, you’ll create copy that your reader can relate to. Plus, it will show them exactly what your products/services can do for them.