Dear Client, 

I felt yesterday’s meeting was very positive, and I loved your enthusiasm for doing things differently. 

As discussed, when it comes to making an impact, being brave and using an approach that is the opposite to your competitors’ will catch the eye of potential clients. 

It’s like I said if a company is looking for a new widget supplier and asks five companies to pitch for the business if four of those five offer square widgets, but you offer a round one, you already stand a better chance of making the shortlist than the other four. 

Doing things differently gets you noticed. 

When we spoke about abandoning the corporate tone that’s awash in your industry for something more natural and friendly, I was very excited. We talked about it in-depth, and I was aware that you too could see the benefit of this approach.

That’s why I was surprised by your response to my initial draft. 

It contained all the elements we spoke about. 

The language was natural and simple to understand. There was no marketing speak and no industry jargon to trip readers up. It clearly showed what you do, the benefits you offer, and why companies should work with you. 

Your feedback stated that it was too different from your industry’s norm. But that was the whole point.

You said your customers expected a particular approach, but how do you know that? Have you asked them?

There’s nothing worse when looking for a supplier that being faced with a whole raft of ‘sameness’. When the design of the website is similar, the content is similar, and the tone is similar, there’s absolutely nothing to set you apart. And that was what we were trying to achieve. 

I would urge you to look at the initial draft again. 

Please don’t compare it to your competitors’ websites because that’s not what this whole exercise was about.

You aimed to be different; to stand out from the background noise. You wanted to be fresh and innovative. Well, you can’t be that if you don’t do something different.

It’s time to have the courage of your convictions. Be bold and ignore the ‘norm’ and instead show your personality. 

Trust me; it will work. You have to be brave.

Yours sincerely

Sally Ormond

Freelance Copywriter