Make your blogs readable


You’ve made the decision to harness the power of blogging to boost your website’s visibility and your status as an expert in your field.

Where do you start?

You know your blog has to look fresh and be attractive, engaging and easy to use, but that’s not the be all and end all.

Looks only go so far; what you write about and how you write is far more important.

A lot of companies make the mistake of writing about stuff that interests them rather than what interests their readers.

That’s why it’s important to identify your niche before you start writing. What kind of information do your readers want?

We’re talking about:

  • How to articles
  • Opinion pieces
  • Latest industry news that will be of value to them

Not about your latest corporate retreat or factory expansion.

Once you know the type of stuff you’re going to be writing about, it’s time think about the writing itself.

How are you going to write?

It’s time to think about how you’re going to layout your posts.

Right now that might seem like a minor detail, but it’s important because if your posts aren’t reader friendly, no one’s going to read them.

Start off with a strong headline and follow it up with an eye-catching image (one that’s relevant to what you’re writing about).

Then, rather than waffling your way to the main point of your post, start with it and then back it up with evidence. Plus, use short paragraphs (and sentences) that are broken up with subheadings so your reader can see, at a glance, what your post covers.

What about your voice?

Voice seems to be an odd thing to talk about when writing, but it’s important you get it right.

Too formal and stuffy and no one will read it; too casual and you won’t be taken seriously.

The most important thing to do is write in an engaging way – that means using the second person. Conversational writing (not easy to master) is an excellent way to get your point across in a simple-to-understand way.

Achieving it is challenging, and the best advice I can give is don’t try too hard.

Try this: say what you want to write in your head, as though you were having a conversation with someone over coffee.

Because it’s a conversation, your vocabulary will be simple, avoiding off-putting jargon and marketing speak that sounds so pretentious.

And before you say that everyone in your industry uses jargon, you’re not writing for them; you’re writing for your readers.

Readers want plain English. It’s that simple.

So to sum up, when writing your next post remember:

  • Write as though you are having a conversation
  • Steer clear of any jargon
  • If you have to use a technical term, explain it clearly
  • Lay your post out in short paragraphs and sentences, so it’s easy to read

Sally Ormond is an international copywriter and blogger who creates customer-focused content that supports and enhances brands.